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Monthly Archives: July 2024


Euro Paused Amid Looming ECB Rate Cut Call

Written on July 16, 2024 at 2:16 am, by

Fundamental Analysis * ECB Alert: The Euro lost its recent bullish momentum, sharply declining after briefly surpassing 1.0900, as traders brace for Thursday’s ECB rate decision. ECB officials are expected to prepare investors for another rate cut, though only after the Governing Council’s extended summer break between decisions. While another rate cut following June’s quarter-pointContinue Reading

U.S. Geopolitical Issue Boost Dollar’s Strength

Written on July 15, 2024 at 3:07 am, by

Market Summary Over the weekend, a significant event unfolded in the U.S. presidential race as candidate Donald Trump was shot at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, intensifying geopolitical uncertainty across markets. The dollar swiftly reacted, rebounding from recent lows amid expectations that Trump’s fiscal policies, known for potentially boosting treasury yields, could strengthen the currencyContinue Reading

Kiwi Slips Amid Weak Business NZ PSI, Rising Risk Aversion

Written on July 15, 2024 at 2:15 am, by

Fundamental Analysis * PSI Bust: The New Zealand dollar has depreciated against the US dollar as the market absorbed the weaker-than-expected Business NZ Performance Services Index. The New Zealand service sector’s decline is accelerating, with the index falling to 40.2 in June, marking its fourth consecutive monthly decrease and the lowest activity level recorded inContinue Reading

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