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Monthly Archives: April 2024


Rate Rumble: RBNZ, BoC, And ECB Take Centre Stage

Written on April 5, 2024 at 6:26 am, by

Wednesday, 10th April 2024, 04:00 – RBNZ Interest Rate Decision The New Zealand central bank maintain its benchmark interest rate at 5.50% as expected during its previous meeting. While there was no surprise of the central bank paused rates, the less hawkish tone was a surprise as 23% of the market surveyed by Reuters predictedContinue Reading

Dollar Buoys By Optimistic NFP Expectation

Written on April 5, 2024 at 6:18 am, by

Market Summary The dollar index (DXY) briefly dipped below the pivotal $104 mark before rebounding in anticipation of the upcoming release of the Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) report, introducing an element of volatility into the market. Recent positive economic indicators, particularly the ADP non-farm employment change figures, exceeding expectations, have buoyed market sentiment surrounding the USContinue Reading

Yen Rebounds On BoJ’s Potential Intervention

Written on April 5, 2024 at 2:02 am, by

Fundamental Analysis * Yen On the Edge: The Japanese Yen has slowly recovered its footing against the greenback following speculation of BoJ’s potential invention in the currency market. Earlier this week, Tatsuo Yamasaki, Japan’s former Vice Finance Minister for International Affairs, stated that Japan is prepared to intervene in the currency market if the JapaneseContinue Reading

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